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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2017

Bold versus Bashful

Bold and Bashful  Well, I think that being bashful or bold is not a choice. I think we born with one of those behaviors.  A bold person is that one who is extroverted, open mind, sociable. on the other hand, a bashful person is introvert, reserve or reticent. People who are bold are more likely to be successful in their life due to the way they are. Eventhough most people feel shy sometime in their life, being extremely shy is a ploblem because it can keep them from interacting from each other when they want or need, leading to problems with relationships and at work. In my personal life, being shy has cost me a lot. I´ve lost many oportunities because of beig shy. However, I`ve improved too much. One of the things that have helped me has been my job, the job environment has helped me to be more sociable, friendly and had tought me to be more confident and more expressive.

Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is a quality, a very valuable one, which could be said that nowadays  is not very sight. People tend to mislead without thinking about the consequences, they only think in the moment. Honesty is a value, that although many do not appreciate it, it should not be lost. In jobs, relationships, and life in general people are looking for honesty but people are decided on being deshonest. May be for money, for their lives or someone else's life, people are dishonest and sometimes is ok because many are just trying to survive. Every human being is free to act as they see fit, but is good treat others as you want to be treated, think about being honest at all the times even though others are not honest with you, because each one will receive back what they gives and what they deserves.

The internet and other addictions

Nowadays having internet is something very normal and easy, a person who does not use the internet is seen as someone strange.the internet by itself is very good, but  when it is misused or given too much time it is already a problem. Why it is normal that people sleep with their phones and that it is the first and last thing they have contact in their day? An internet addict is not just the one who stays at home surfing all day in the computer, it is also the one that being  outside surrounded by people do not interact with them because an app. Nowadays internet addiction is more commun that alcohol addiction because there are childrens addicted to some app. I think a way to help with this addiction is devote time in group activities, this will keep them out from the internet for a least 1 or 2 hours this can make a small difference and it wll be like a therapy.


Hello I am a little late for my presentation we have already seen each other in class a couple of times but for those who do not know me I'm Leidy Arias I'm from Bani but now I'm living in Santo Domingo so left my family to be closer to the university. It is a pleasure to meet new people and meet again with those who already knew in this class a pleasure again guys.
Long time ago when I was a teen I consedered my self as an introverted person. For instace, I used to spend most of the time alone by myself. Another thing is that I had an enormous speaking phobia, because I got pretty nervous whenever a had a presentation at school. Moreover, as a matter of fact, there were some pretty chicks who liked me but, I never said a word to them because of my shyness. I really let go a bunch of good opportunities just for being unwilling to talk. But through the time I realized that being introverted was a handicap and would not allow me grow up as a person, so I decided to leave it behind and nowadays I'm not reticent anymore.
Drug abuses addiction. Many people do not understand why people become addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse. They mistakenly a View drug abuse and addicted as strictly social problem and may characterize those who take drugs as morally weak . One very common belief is that drugs abuse. Chould be able just stop taking drug if they are willing to change their behavior. What people often underestimate complexing of drug addiction that is a disease that impact the brain and because of that topping drug is that simply matter off willpower.
Honesty: refer to a moral character and connote positive and virtuous attributes such a integrity ,truthfulness on conduct , along with the absence of cheating. Other have noted however that too much honesty might be seen as undisciplined openness for example individual may be perceive as been" too honest " if they honesty express negative opinions of other , other without having been asked.
                                         Internet addiction When it comes to internet users, we have to devide them into different gruops, those who use internet as a tool at work, those who use it a a way to keep in touch with the world, those who use it, just to waste their time and those who have to use, I mean those addicted to internet. Internet addiction has become an issue that is affecting all over the world, not only young people as it is claimed, but also adults. We need to take into consideration that internet addiction not only causes problems to the individual whi is addicted but also, to those who are around the addict. What do I mean? First, a person who is addicted to the internet, instead of spending time with his/her family and friends they have to spend it using surfing the web, therefore a realitionship that has already been built can be destroyed. furthermore people addicted to internet can get into accidents because they are always pending in chatting or any
Hello guys! I hope this message find you all fine! My name is Domingo Cleto Figueroa. I am 28 years old. I am a languages student at UASD universuty. I am currently working as a CSR at a call center. I have a 8 years old daughter named Milianny. I live by myself. I like playing baskeball and baseball, also I play video games when I get a chance, I like to spend time with my family and friends but I also like making money, sometimes I teach English to some newbies that are trying to better their English skills, that is pretty much about me... best regard!!!!!

Why to be a liar when you can be honest?