Honesty is a quality, a very valuable one, which could be said that nowadays is not very sight. People tend to mislead without thinking about the consequences, they only think in the moment. Honesty is a value, that although many do not appreciate it, it should not be lost. In jobs, relationships, and life in general people are looking for honesty but people are decided on being deshonest. May be for money, for their lives or someone else's life, people are dishonest and sometimes is ok because many are just trying to survive. Every human being is free to act as they see fit, but is good treat others as you want to be treated, think about being honest at all the times even though others are not honest with you, because each one will receive back what they gives and what they deserves.
I would like to write and bring at the same time some information about this topic that has turned to a tipping point in the Dominican Republic. I’m talking about Punta Catalina. But what is Punta Catalina? According to this page (http://puntacatalina.cdeee.gob.do/descripcion/#), Punta Catalina Thermoelectric Power Plant is composed of two gross power units of 376 MW each, for a total of 752 MW gross, located in the Municipal District of Catalina, Baní, Peravia Province, in the Dominican Republic. The Power Plant will generate energy from the clean burning of pulverized coal, and along with this the project includes all the support facilities such as: the installation of a charcoal spring with a maximum capacity of 80,000 tons, coal unloading and storage systems completely closed, ash deposit, central warehouse for spare parts, water production plant, wastewater treatment plant and electrical substation of 345 kV 138 kV the corresponding transmission lines to connect the generat...
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