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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017


  I would like to write and bring at the same time some information about this topic that has turned to a tipping point in the Dominican Republic. I’m talking about Punta Catalina. But what is Punta Catalina? According to this page (, Punta Catalina Thermoelectric Power Plant is composed of two gross power units of 376 MW each, for a total of 752 MW gross, located in the Municipal District of Catalina, Baní, Peravia Province, in the Dominican Republic. The Power Plant will generate energy from the clean burning of pulverized coal, and along with this the project includes all the support facilities such as: the installation of a charcoal spring with a maximum capacity of 80,000 tons, coal unloading and storage systems completely closed, ash deposit, central warehouse for spare parts, water production plant, wastewater treatment plant and electrical substation of 345 kV 138 kV the corresponding transmission lines to connect the generated e


I want to begin to talk about the people that have these interesting qualities, but before I want to bring a definition about them. A bold person according to urban dictionary (, is a person who is very brave and audacious. And according to Cambridge dictionary (, a bashful person often feels uncomfortable with other people and easily embarrassed. One synonym for bashful is shy. Although these two behaviors are so different, there are many people that are both. In my case, I´m both, it depends on the situation. Most of the time I´m more shy than bashful.

The honesty

For me, honesty is one of the best policy. This means to tell the truth in any situation. To be honest can be so difficult for people that are dishonest and use a veneer. Actually, honest people don’t do things that are morally wrong. The facts speak for themselves and sometimes is not necessarily the words. In our society, there is a grade of mistrust so high; although I believe that there are too many honest people that we could trust.            According to internet      Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.             
Unit one: The Internet and Other Addictions Before get into this topic just I want to describe what Internet Addition is. It is an impulsive control disorder which doesn’t involve use of intoxicating drugs or any substances. Those who suffering from internet addiction uses the virtual fantasy world to connect with real people through the internet, nevertheless, addition used to mean abuse of different kind of substances such as drugs, alcohol and others.
Hello guys, I am kind of late but it  doesn't matter I am here doing the best of me, Well, as you all already know I am Jose Balbuena Jesus,   I am 23 years old I live in Sto. Dom Este with my father and grandmother. I glad to be in this class with all of you learning everything as much as possible I can. Thanks.
Unit 1  The Internet and other Addictions.  Nowadays people abuse of any addiction such as, Internet, drugs, alcohol and nicotine, also sex, shopping, cell phone use and finally gambling. If you spend 6 or 8 hours daily using the internet you probably get sick of your brain, consuming other substance like the mentioned obove you suddenly die. Unit 2   Honesty is the best Policy Honesty is considered an important and necessary value.  Jesus Christ died for being Honest, some people have died for telling the truth. Nowadays money and power can change human mind.  Some people always think Honesty is the best policy, those who think so, they have pure moral. Unit 3.  The Bold and the Bashful. Sentences. I never break the ice in a meeting. I feel phobia to climb trees. My young son is extroverted. Her daughter is a reticent girl. Some people create misattributions about me. I have a brother who is condescending. Unit 4 

Tipping ppont teenage pregnancy in the Dominican republic

Tipping point  teenage pregnancy in the Dominican Republic. As teenage pregnancy rates are decreasing in the united states, rates in the dominican republic are soaring. In this caribbean country where abortion is illegal under any cicumtance , more than one in 10 teenage girls became pregnant. In 2013 _double the world average and triple the states average. Along with poverty  at  the Dominican Republic's  legal sex trade these figures are mostly attibuted to the lack of sexual education at home in and schools. Teenager are simply advised mostly by parents, to not have sex , but are rarely taught about it.

The Bold And The bashful

Who am I? What Kind of person am I? Am I bold? Am I bashful? These are questions pretty difficult to answer, it is not easy when you try to know yourself. If some asks me those questions, I'd say I am Darlin Cortico, and that I am a good person, but  I probably wouldn't know how to answer if I am Bold or Bashful. Bashful or bold, It will depend of the place I am. If I am in a place where noone know me, my behavior will be as a bashful person, probably I'd be in a corner looking around, or playing with my phone; however, if I am in a place where at least I know two or more people, I will be bold, probably I'd be the life of that place .

The Internet And Other Addictions

What is an addiction? For years we used to have a wrong idea about addiction, researches used to mean it as an abuse of substance such as drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. Nowadays we associate this word  with internet use, sex, gambling, cellphone use, shopping, travel, and etc.  On theses days are more common people get addicted, especially young people, it is because the use of technology, young people expend more than 16 hours daily using a cellphone, there are others who expend more than ten hours surfing in internet or playing video games. On the other hands, I consider myself as a cellphone addicted, I don't know if it is good or bad, but I cannot live without my phone, I carry it anywhere, anytime. I wake up with my phone, and I go to the bed with my phone, that means I use my phone the whole day, I am not sure if this is normal or not, the only thing I know if I cannot imagine a day without my phone.
Cellphone Tipping Point. Now a day, cellphone is in its Tipping point. Everybody has a cellphone. Cellphone is substituting others electronic devices. For example, about 10 years ago people used to use watch for see the time, but now a day cellphone is being using to see the time. This electronic device is also substituting camera, people used to bring camera to go on vacation or excursion to take picture, but currently most of them take the picture with their Smartphone. Some Smartphone is even decreasing computer’s use .In most of the smartphone people can do things that they do in a computer. In addition mobile phone is substituting TV. Some persons use it to see soap opera, videos, news, listening music, and children and some adults use it to play video game.
Being bold is good. Being bold is good for many reasons, for example you can make many friends, find a job easily ,not being bored when you are in party where you do not now people etc. If a person is outgoing, she or he will make many friends easily, so someone who has many friends will not feeling alone, and if he or she has a problem she or he will find people to talk about his o her problem. People who have many friends are always busy, sharing with their friends, going to the party or going out to other particular event. People, who are not shy find job easy because they are not afraid to talk with people that they do not know, go to an interview and ask for a job. Also their friend can help them. When a person who is sociable arrives to a party where he or she does not know anybody he or she will try to find someone to share. This person makes a new fiend immediately. In conclusion, being introvert is very important in someone’s life because it allow you ma
The Tipping Point: Femicide in Dominican Republic: Dominican Republic has reached a tipping point in femicide. Each year, more than 102 women are killed by their partners of life. This wave of femicide is terrifying, so far this year more than 53 women have been killed in gender-based killings, according to the latest police figures. According to mavens and word of mouth opinions, this high figures of femicide is triggered because of the Dominican Republic "Macho" culture, that blame the women of being abused or harassed. The victims are usually women that have suffered domestic violence and the killers are their husbands or boyfriends, who slayed them when they dont want to go on their relationship. Here in Dominican republic there are laws that punish femicide, eventough, these incidents are increasing more and more. In addition to this, there are activists and groups that are fighting against this situation. There are severals advertising on tv and on internet wi
                                                                              The New Iphone X   The new iPhone X, From Apple manufacturer, is the last model which holds a pretty different design from the iPhone`s series. Before the new design became tipping point in the Apple industry, Smart Phone mavens were the first in charged to win people over by highlighting the new fancy features of the phone. But now a day, simple word-of-mouth have expanded the new iPhone X epidemic. These new features trigger iPhone users to get away from their old iPhone and get the new Iphone X.     Written by: Geremias Andujar.
Shyness In the awarknes or apprehension some people feel when approaching or approached by other people. Unlike introvert , who feel energized time alone , shy people often desperately want to connect with others, but dont know how or can torate the anxiety that comes with human interaction.

Internet and Other addictions

    Addiction is known as a mental disorder that causes compulsiveness, obsession and lack of concern over consequences. Someone who is addicted will have some problems displaying self-control; they’ll have lack of fulfillment and emotions so they won’t be able to build good relationship with others.   The worst thing is that they never recognize that have a problem. There are different types of addiction; a person could be addicted to drugs, sex, video games, shop, food, chocolate, etc.   There are many kinds of people around the world with different types of addictions due to the fact that there are a lot of things that can make you are addicted easily.   I think internet is one of the most common addictions we can see now a days because people have more access to it than to other things like drugs, alcohol, porn etc, For example we have teenagers and kids that won’t probably have access to the things that were previously mentioned but they do have access