What is an addiction? For years we used to have a wrong idea about addiction, researches used to mean it as an abuse of substance such as drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. Nowadays we associate this word with internet use, sex, gambling, cellphone use, shopping, travel, and etc.
On theses days are more common people get addicted, especially young people, it is because the use of technology, young people expend more than 16 hours daily using a cellphone, there are others who expend more than ten hours surfing in internet or playing video games.
On theses days are more common people get addicted, especially young people, it is because the use of technology, young people expend more than 16 hours daily using a cellphone, there are others who expend more than ten hours surfing in internet or playing video games.
On the other hands, I consider myself as a cellphone addicted, I don't know if it is good or bad, but I cannot live without my phone, I carry it anywhere, anytime. I wake up with my phone, and I go to the bed with my phone, that means I use my phone the whole day, I am not sure if this is normal or not, the only thing I know if I cannot imagine a day without my phone.
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