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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017


OMG I was finally able to get in, poor Rosa Garcia that was having a hard time getting into the blog. I was getting an error message saying that the invitation was invalid. I am finally here professor, I promise I will go ahead and post my topics. 
Honesty is a good topic.  When you are honest all your frieds can trust you.Your family, your class mate and others can believe in what you say also.People admire you when you are honest.For  me is the best thing. If you are dishonest,you will lose  your  friends because when they realize that what you where telling them was not true,you will get in trouble with them. I believe that no body wants to have a dishonest person like a friend,employer or partner .
Drug addiction is bad. There are a lot of addiction such as internet addiction,shopaholism,sex addiction ,gambling and other,but there are no one so bad as drug addiction,because it makes many bad effects on the víctims.First of all it mades damage in the people's brain,second it makes some people become agressive and those people can event kill another person and third it make some people become thieves. Some time l saw crasy people in the street and l feel sorry about that and l ask who know  them; and most of the time some body answer he or she is crasy for cause of the drug.They  say for exammple he or she was a very good person,he or she come from a rich or poor famaly, he was rich,ect,but he began using drug ;and he became addict,after she or he got crazy. Some time people who use drug become agressive.It said that when they do not find drug they get angry.They do not want to talk with another person, they do not care about telling ofensive words to another person or eve
Hello teacher my name is Rosa BAzil l living in the alcarrizos im 32 year old Im police officer, l living with my family. I never got married I don't have children.

september 20th, 2017

Hello everyone! I am so excited about this class. Each day is a new experience and a open world of knowlegde, new words, corrections and mainly the special touch that the professor teaches the class. Beside those, we had the oportunity of listening to the interview made to Pola Rapaport where she reveales her family secret. A secret that her father concealed until his death and that it was discovered by Pola after she saw a photo on her`s father desk. She was so intriged about this photo that, after some researches, she put the piece together and realized that pierre was her half brother. Her father had hidden this secret maybe afraid to lost her and her mother, eventough the truth came out and she was very excited of having a brother. This case teaches us that We should be honest with our family, because in the end, everything is uncovered, there are nothing hide on the earth that hasnt been uncovered and finally who are with us, who suffer the consecuences are our families...


Hello My name is Maribel Lara, I'm the second of four children. I live in San Cristobal a beautiful city near to Santo Domingo. I was living with my mother and my younger sister ,3 months back, but this year on june 17 th  I got married, now I'm living with my husband. I study modern languages Mayor in English at Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) and I'm in the 7th  semester of the course. I work as a English teacher in a elementary school located 15 minutes far  from the center of San Cristobal city, and I want to say that to me its very comforting seeing the children so interested on learn English. for me is a  pleasure of being a member of this class, and I wish I would improve my English at the end of the class.

Hello guys!!!

Hello,   for me is a pleaseure to share with all of you a little piece of me...  I'm Edelia Reyes. I am 24 years old. I live in Sabana Perdida Sto. Dgo. Norte. I am single lady. I study modern in Language mention in English, coursing my final subjects, but I have to be honest I will really miss my UASD when I'm gone. :'( I am a very kind person. I often sad, I like to be happy, actually I am a Joker 😄 I love it, always enjoying my life. I live with mom. I have 7 minenes  ( dolls ) 😁🙈👶👶👶👦👧👦 👶 I  love 'em a lot! I am a workaholic. Also, I am addicted to my cellphone📲 Ohhh wait!!! 👐 forget to mention I am one of the flowers in our garden-course. Would you guess who am I?😋

Adriana's opinion about internet addiction. Unit 1 the internet and other addictions

I think that along with the benefits of every rising technology there will always be some disadvantages. Addiction to the internet would certainly fall under the disadvantages of this technology since it is reducing the quality of the interaction between humans and either other humans or nature . It is rare to find a couple or a group of people spending time together without cheking their phones. Sometimes , people can even be seen in the most marvelous places focusing on sharingthe image they took of the place on diverse social media rather tan enjoying every minute they spend there. However, I believe it must also be recognized that despite the harmful effects of this addiction, the internet has been an incredible source that has allowed us to have Access to information we would have never been able to attain before while at the same  time allowing us to maintain relationships with people in every corner of the world.

Our last class.

Hello  People. ! I'm very existing,  because I have got the Best  english class. Why I said that ? because in this class Since the biggining I ' m learning a lot of Word. Through  my partner, The teacher, book,  etc.  For example: (turn in,devoting, present with, etc.) And   last night,  Teacher was Readying end correcting  some post from the blog, that mean another new  list' of Word. Put a very intrestin sád history about. A man who has another son out of his original  familie, but like We say in spanich "nothing is deep  hide God ' eyes" They descover a photograph of a young boy from Romania in their father'desk,  10 years after their father'desk dearh. ... And finaly the quizz. I

Internet addiction

INTERNET ADDICTION Addiction is when somebody doesn't have control to yourself about something. When you are become depending on something. The problem with internet addiction is that nowadays affect most of the people without care if is young or adult, it´s something very worrying, affect your brain, personal life…. We Daily, I can see people that can´t have a control with the cell phone, computer, social networks...  It´s important to know, how you can identify an addict to the internet: For example, when the person expends most of the normal time to the cell phone or another gadget, you are in front of an internet addict. In this website, I find something about the effect of this disorder and the possible treatment. Internet addiction results in personal, family, academic, financial, and occupational problems that are characteristic of other addictions.  Impairments of real-life relationships are disrupted as

Happy to understand a wold in a new context.

Hi guys! My mame's Rosa Rosario, I'm 30 years old and from Villa Altagracia. I have a beautiful daugther, her mame is Sharon and she's turning two years old on november 12th. It was because of her and because I love cartoons, I admit it, that last friday we were watching Sophia the First, the story was about a genie and a misunderstanding with his best friend Kazzim, the genie sayd to Kazzim "you turned me in with the bad genie" it wasn't true but that's not my point. Why do I mention that? Because eventhoug I heard that phrase in a cartoon movie and maybe it makes me look childish the truth is that we are learning real and useful english in our classroom.


Hi everyone, I'm Gredwin Taveras. i'm so glad to be here with all of you to enjoy this like a family, not only to type things, issues or something like that, here i know i'm going to learn more than i know. I am 22 years old, i work as an English Teacher in an institute on saturday morning, i live with my family but this is not going to take this longer because i am planning to move soon.I guess there's not more i can type about me, i hope we get along, hope we enjoy this untill we get it done. What i hope the most is to get a huge knowledge while i am working with all of you guys and Sr. Have a nice day.

Internet addition.

 few years ago,  People only get addicted to alcohol,  and ciggarrette, but now there are many addictions, including Internet addictions ,and  that is breaKing  the relation, because   People don't speak, don't listen,...  they always are in chat , and they can't stand out of Internet. I think that could be terrible for them. Thanks God  i'm  doing nothing withow control. But I thing that we need to help those  kind of person.  What do you think? x

Was so difficull but i'm here.

Hello  I'm Evelyn Jones, i'm 38, I was born in sto dgo but i'm living in san cristobal Since 1994, i'm merried,  I have two children and a grand son,  I'm student of Languages major english, i work in a privaty school Teaching french, I hope to improve my english in this class, i'm in my 7th  semester,  I wish I could finish it next year , and get a better job.  Well, Nice too met you!                            See you ! :* 

Tuesday 12th, 2017

Hello everyone! Today the professor revised and corrected some post from the blog, taught many new words and made several examples; in addition to this we began unit two that is about honesty.  Honesty is a valuable topic that is worth trying, especially for this era where most of the moral courage have lost. I think most of the people around the world need to practice it, be authentic, be sincere and do not plagiarize or try to deceive anybody, because finally, we only deceive ourself and the only think we can get is disappointing ourselves and the people that are around us. Emilia Veloz.

Hi everyone!!

Hello professor and classmate; I'm Darlin Cortico. I'm 20 years old (Soon 21). I'm a modern language student (Major in english). On Tuesday it was my first class with you guys, and it was so interesting, we talked about how the UASD's students should do strikes; the professor said they can put chair in the middle of the road, or everybody can lay down in the street "Correa y Cidron", he said they can do pacific streak without throw garbage into the road. As well we talked about honestly (Chapter 2), and we were wondering if Dominicans are honest or not. I gave a little example about honestly, I related how a police officer ask me for money because he guess I crossed a stoplight when it was red. It was a very interesting class, and I feel happy to share this semester with you guys.
Hi, Professor. Thanks for the invitation.  I really appretriate it. And I hape you undentand that. I don´t have some many deep technology knowledges; but I´m to work and learn.  Sincerelly,  Andrea Arias

The internet addiction

Hello everyone, my name is Yuderkis del Jesus. I share with you my opinion about the internet addiction.   We are living in the age of information, human society remains orphan of values where only internet has become the hobby and source of malicious teaching of people.   Internet addiction makes people spend more time in front of computers and cellphones than with their family or friends. Internet also causes people, instead of helping someone with a problem, prefer to make a video and upload it to the networks. People prefer to spend hours in networks instead of having a simple conversation face to face or having time for themselves.    In the other hands, we have a world of information available making our lives easier. We should find a way to balance the use of internet and share quality moments with ours.
Hi, finally I could enter to the blog. My name is Melida Maritza I´m studying Modern Language, English Mention, mi dream about this career is to   translate  documents


Hi! My name is Leonor Ortiz Cotes, I'm 26 and I study Modern Languages, English major at UASD. I was born in Santo Domingo, where I also live in. I enjoy reading, art, and pondering upon pretty much everything. I'm glad we have the chance to interact through a blog, it's the first class I've been asked to do such a task. Looking forward this experience, have a nice day!

Emilia Veloz

Hello everyone! My name is Emilia Veloz. I am modern Language student, major English. I am 35 yerars old. I am single. I am the younguest of eight sisters and two brothers. I live with my parents so far. we live in Pedro Brand,  Santo Domingo West, but we are from San Juan. I am proud of being the mother of a 9 years old baby. He is my life, my reason of living, my engine. I love life, nature and I am faithful to Jesus... I work at a private company as a sales assistant from 9-6, monday to friday. In the weekend, I usually do the chores and share with my family...


Hello, my name is Rafaela Martinez Gonzalez . I´m twenty-nine years old, I´m single and I live with my cousin. I´m from Don Juan Monte Plata but when I finished High school I moved to Santo Domingo, now I live in Villa Mella. I´m Modern Language (mention English) student,  of the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo. I work in the Dominican Conference of Religious as adjunct secretary. For me is a pleasure to be on this subject, I hope to take advantage of each class and to improve my knowledge. I´d like to say that I appreciate each moment because it means very much for me. I am in the disposition of giving the best of me and receiving the best of each one.
Hello. My name is Rubí Peña. I am twenty one years old. I am married, so, now i live with my husband, but before I used to live with my parents, sister and niece. I am from Bonao, Dominican Republic, and currently I live in it. I am a full time student, i mean now i don't work, but before, I used to. I taught English to children in a English School and I was a Sales Promotor in a Super Market. As I said that I am only studing, I study at the University, Called Universidad Autónoma De Santo Domingo, but I study in the enclosure Curce Uasd Bonao here in the Monseñor Nouel province. I study Modern Languages (English Mention). I am in my seventh semester. If I had to say why I study that career, I can say: because first at all I love the English language, because it's one of the most important language to worldwide, and it is fascinating in all the sense. Second at all, people is able to work in almost all the jobs. Besides you can commuticate easier in watherver place of the worl